What is …
Cosmic Design is so much more than a traditional astrology reading. You are made up innumerable energetic imprints. Based on the moment and place you were born, I can decipher over 144 imprints that make up your foundational Cosmic Design. Overlap those 144+ imprints with the energetic signature of today and I can decipher how you are feeling, sensing and experiencing daily energy. Overlay that on top of my capacity to pull intuitive data from the field via messages from your guide team and concurrent lifetimes, we are have whole upgraded perspective of how you move through the world. This information will help guide you through your choices, emotions and relationships. Given you access to your cosmic intelligence and how it weaves with the world. This will guide you to build a life that feels sustainable, connected and collaborative. Will it make everything feel easy? NO. Will it make everything make more sense? YES.
Sign up now for your foundational COSMIC DESIGN session.
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